I am really trying not to be too sarcastic. I don’t want to offend our Muslim friends, but some of this stuff really gets too me. Not to mention the fact that I don’t see a lot of Muslims, trying to not offend Christians.
Take for example, the line about idolaters…can you please tell me what idol we are worshiping?? I could say more here, but I’m not going too.
One example of this is Bin Laden’s declaration of Jihad against the Jews and Crusaders. On February 23, 1998 the London Arabic-language daily Al-Quds Al-Arabi published bin Laden’s declaration of Jihad which said that killing the Americans and their allies is a commandment for every individual Muslim. The following are excerpts of this declaration:
“Praise be to God, who brought down the Book, drives the clouds, defeats the factions, and says in His Book: When the sacred months are over, kill the idolaters wherever you find them, take them captive, lay siege to them and lie in wait for them at every place of ambush [Qur’an 5:9]… Prayers and blessings of peace upon our Prophet Muhammad, who said: I was sent with a sword in preparation for the Day of Judgment when God alone will be worshipped with none beside him. He assigned me a livelihood under the shadow of my spear and he assigned humiliation and lowliness to those who disobey my command…
Isn’t this nice. Maybe its just me, but where I go to church, I never hear anything about killing people where ever I find them. Under ANY circumstances. Not to mention the fact that my God does not require me to do anything, to advance His appearance. Unlike Islam, which thinks it needs to “help” Imam Mahdi, by killing the Jews. Yeah. More on that later.
“Killing the Americans and their allies – both civilians and military personnel – is a commandment for every individual Muslim who can do this, in any country in which he can do this, in order to free the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Al-Haram Mosque from their grasp, and so that their armies will leave all the lands of Islam defeated and no longer a threat to any Muslim. This is in compliance with the words of Allah: ‘Fight the polytheists all together, as they fight you all together [Qur’an 9:36]’ and ‘Fight them until civil strife ceases altogether’ [Qur’an 8:39].
Idiot, just what “threat” were we to Muslims, before this moron decided to attack us. If I was a Muslim, I would be pretty pissed off at mr. bin lyin, for the wrath he brought down on a lot of people. And for the record, we are not polytheists. As a matter of fact, since we aren’t polytheist, that kind of does away with the above listed order, doesn’t it??
The Sheikh of Al-Azhar, Muhammad Sayyid Tantawi, explained the principle of repayment in kind during a speech at an October 1999 conference of nuclear scientists from Arab countries on the future of nuclear strategy at the University of Asyut, Egypt. While stating that the Arabs should have nuclear energy but should use it only for peaceful purposes, he also quoted from the will of Caliph Abu Bakr.
Sheikh Tantawi said that the Caliph had instructed the Muslim commander Khaled ibn Al-Walid to fight the enemy with the sword if the enemy fought him with the sword and to use the spear if the enemy fought him with the spear. Sheikh Tantawi explained:
“Had Abu Bakr lived today he would have said to Khaled ibn Al-Walid: ‘If they fight you with a nuclear bomb, fight them with a nuclear bomb.’ Strength is [one] of the traits of good and wise people who know their obligation towards their God and towards their homeland, and they use this strength in order to defend their faith and their homeland. This is the Sunna that was known to the forefathers of all times, and is known to us as well.
“… Our demand that Israel join the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty does not prevent us from learning and advancing in science until we surpass it and until we act in accordance with Abu Bakr’s words to Khaled ibn Al-Walid: ‘Fight them with that with which they fight you.’ Islam welcomes any force that serves truth and religious precepts and defends the honor of men. Islamic religious law states that every despotic and aggressive power must be eradicated. It should be fought, whatever its strength, and life is decreed by Allah. If Israel has nuclear weapons, then it is the first to be doomed, because it lives in a world that does not fear death. Israel’s nuclear weapons do not frighten us; what does frighten us is [the possibility] that we will not wake up and [will] not advance. [Muslims must] welcome the use of nuclear energy for purposes of peace!” (Right, I buy that one)
Another contradiction here, he states that, if Israel has nuclear weapons, then it is the first to be doomed, because they do not fear death. In other words, tell Israel, we don’t care about collateral damage to the Palestinians, when we use our nuclear weapons, because we don’t fear death. Then in the same sentence, says they only want nuclear energy for “peaceful” purposes. Look guys, if you want people to believe you, your going to have to do better than that.
In addition, lets look at the statement he made saying,…”Islamic religious law states that every despotic and aggressive power must be eradicated.” GREAT, I am really happy to see that.
I say for the next year or so, we follow the rule of Islam in how we go to war and how we fight!! What do you think?? I don’t know about you but I consider Ahmadnutjob, aggressive and despotic. Syria likes to stick its nose in Lebanon’s business too, and not in a diplomatic way. There’s Hezbollah, and hammas, in the area that are pretty aggressive too. These are some starting points anyway.
Now, since Islam rules under a tit for tat system, (they obviously never heard of the golden rule) and we are going to operate under their rules, at least in some areas, we should be able to do the same thing to them. Right?? Since their goal is to conquer the earth and declare it for Allah, close down churches, have non-Muslims, wear a sort of yellow star, with a shaved spot on the front of their hair. Charge them a jizya tax, which some claim is for the kufar’s “protection”. No weapons, no horses, no religious jewelry, etc.
They should readily go along with us doing the same to them, right?? That means they should have no problem if mosques get bombed. Or Muslims are robbed. Or, say, have to wear a yellow moon crescent, so we know who they are. No foot washing stations. No hijabs, or head coverings of any kind, no beards for men.
Any questions, comments…Seriously All those who believe that it is your duty, to perform jihad, to spread Islam worldwide and with it sharia law. Lets hear from you. How does my idea grab you?? Come on there has got to be at least somebody who believes in this stuff with the guts to comment on this.
Can we at least get some Muslims to comment, that they think the idea of doing unto others, what they don’t want done, is wrong?? The idea of jihad to further Islam, by force, is wrong, wrong, wrong. Come on, let me hear you say it.
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