When trying to understand the Muslim mind, it helps to listen to some of their own words. The following comes from a Jihadist website. It is their idea of freedom, and they feel it should be worldwide.
Freedom is to be able to stand up to the tyrants and tell them, ““Verily, we are free from you and whatever you worship besides Allah.” Free from your wretched laws, methodologies, constitutions and values… free from your repugnant governments, courts, distinguishing characteristics and media…
“We have rejected you, and there has become apparent between us and you, enmity and hatred forever, until you believe in Allah ALONE.” THEREFORE, WE WILL CONTINUE TO SHOW HOSTILITY AND HATRED TOWARDS YOU FOREVER UNTIL YOU BELIEVE IN ALLAH ALONE...and freely".....
Their idea of freedom, is the TALIBAN, pure and simple and they won't rest until they achieve that goal. They make it pretty clear, they also speak in oxymoron's and contradictions and don't even realize it. These are all copy and paste, they are NOT my words, but theirs.
It is important for all of us to pay attention to the signs of the times. Far too often we busy ourselves with the mundane day to day tasks. How many "man on the street" episodes, have you seen, where the person being questioned, has no clue who the people, in the highest level of government are??
If we cannot be bothered to know who is running our country, then how do we expect to win a war of ideology??
Here is another Muslim's opinion on democracy:
All Who Believe in Democracy, The Religion of Godlessness, Are Infidels
by Abu Muhammad Al-Maqdisi, a pseudonym for Asem Al-Burqawi
"[Democracy is] denying Allah the Almighty, associating [other deities] with [Allah,] the Sovereign of heaven and earth, and is contrary to the religion of unity [i.e. Islam] and the religion of the prophets, for many reasons, among them:
"First, [democracy] is legislated by the masses or the regime of tyrants, and it is not the rule of Allah the Exalted. Allah commanded his Prophet to act according to the law that Allah sent down to him, and forbade him from following the desires of the nation or the masses and warned him that they would divert him from part of the [precepts] sent down by Allah: 'Judge between them by that which Allah has sent down, and do not follow their wishes to deviate from it' [Qur'an 5:49]. This [appears] in the religion of unity and of Islam.
"With regard to the religion of democracy and association [of other deities with Allah, i.e. polytheism], those who worship it say 'Judge between them by that which the people wish; be wary of deviating from what they want, desire, and legislate'… This is what they say, and thus it is determined that democracy is unbelief and association [of other deities with Allah] if it is implemented…
"Second, the rule of the masses or the tyrants is in accordance with the constitution, and not in accordance with the law of Allah, and thus say their constitutions and their books, which they sanctify over the Qur'an. Evidence of this is that the law [of the constitutions and books] is preferred to the law [of the Qur'an], and the law [of the constitutions and books] is higher [to them] than [the Qur'an's] laws… According to the religion of democracy, the masses do not accept the judgments and laws … unless they are based on the precepts and articles of the constitution, because they see it as the father of the laws and the holy book. In the religion of democracy, there is no consideration of the Qur'an verses or the Hadiths [prophetic tradition] of the Prophet, and laws cannot be legislated in accordance with them unless they are compatible with the precepts of their holy book, the constitution…
"Third, democracy is the vile fruit and illegitimate daughter of secularism, because secularism is a heretical school of thought that aspires to isolate religion from life or separate religion from state … and democracy is the rule of the people or the rule of the tyrants. But in any event, it is not the rule of Allah the Exalted, and it does not take the unswerving legislation of Allah into account at all unless it is first compatible with all the articles of the constitution, and then with the desires of the people, and even before that with the desires of the tyrants or the masses…
So, the people that we are fighting, desire to do away with the rule of law. They feel that giving people the right to vote and choose their leaders, who make laws to protect and benefit their constituents, is wrong. Unless it is all done, in Allah's name and in accordance to the Quran. This is why they have no problem with beheading people, or stoning them, or cutting off hands and feet.
There is no consideration for current times and beliefs. There is no consideration for what the people think. This is NOT, a isolated way of thinking. Muslims have no loyalty to the country in which they live. There are films of Muslims in downtown New York city, standing on the American flag. Yelling that they want the world to know that their only allegiance, is to Allah.
As a Christian, I try to follow Gods words, and if I HAD to choose between, that and anything else, my loyalty would be to God. But make no mistake, it is not the same way of thinking in Islam. The threat is not only to our country, the threat is towards ALL countries. Including Muslim nations that don't rule under strict sharia law. I would ask the "moderate" Muslim, if this is acceptable to them.
I go by what the Qur'an says, not jihadists.
So, what are you saying?? Do you believe that all Muslims believe in the terrorists ideology?
If anyone still comes to this blog, I have a different updated one. Let me know and I will give you the new address
This blog is not up to date. If you are interested, you can follow the link below and come to my other blog which is. My normal topic is radical Islam, altho I have done a series of posts on Islam in general. YOur welcomed to come to my other blog at anytime, I do a lot of posts using the words from radical blogs, which is something that other blogs are not doing in general. Come check it out and tell me what you think.
Im not sure. Seeing how you dont like unfavorable opinions of Islam makes me reluctant.
Guess you need to read a little bit more. That is if your really interested in understanding what I am doing and why.
The commenter you are speaking of, has a very long history of spamming my blog. Of asking the same thing over and over again. No matter how many times it is answered. He is a bigot. I had him on another blog for over a month before finally banning him.
If you really want to know, then you should read all the comments and posts. Other wise you really don't know what you are talking about.
I will not allow bigots to spam my blog. I do NOT believe that all of Islam believes in the terrorist ideology. He does. I also have Muslims who visit my blog.
Do you think I should leave up comments calling them "sand monkey"??? If you are looking for a hate blog, there are plenty of them out there. Mine doesn't happen to be one of them and I will not let it become one. So before being critical, read all of it.
I tried reading all the comments but from following the comments, it seems some are deleted so its hard to judge the context of the debate.
He actually said ALL Muslims are terrorists? If thats what he actually said, then he is wrong.
The term sandmonkey of course is wrong. Someone not liking the Islamic ideology does not make someone hateful or a bigot IMHO.
I am not looking for a hate blog, just looking to learn and have an honest diologue
It has only been recent that I have erased comments. If you start at least from the top of the comments under the 1st "What is a bigot" post. You can see what I am talking about. If you want the address of my other blog, you can see where I spent a month dealing with this person.
After he was banned from one blog, he then sent his like-minded friends to my other blog. But out of all those people only one other is as bigoted as the one.
Actually I have spent a great deal of time explaining who I am and why I write like I do. Time I could have used writing on topic.
How can I dialog with Muslims if I allow posts refering to Mohammad as a pig??
What would you consider spam??
What do you think of someone who would start spamming at 5:18 A.M. and continue until evening with a min. of 120 comments??
That being after I spent a month asking him to leave me alone.
Sounds like a stalker to me. Nothings changed. The only reason I haven't banned him all together, is because sometimes people address his comments. But I am not dealing with him anymore.
He said Mohammed was a pig? He just flat out said that or was in context of what Mohammed did? Would you have perfered he called him a pedophile for sex with a 9 year old girl? A mudererer for having people assassinated for mocking him? An oppressor for treating non Muslims different than Muslims? If you want honest dialog with Muslims, you need to first be honest on what Islam is and what Mohammed really was like.
I scanned some dialog with Shiva and I see he is attacked for his blog posting war crimes committed by Muslims but no mention of the war crimes themselves. Is this the norm of your blogs, attack those critical of Islam but silent on Islamic war crimes?
How is someone to address this Elric66 if you ban his comments? I did though catch his post on the Indonesian Catholic girls forced to wear the veil. Quite horrible I think. You deleted it. If you truly want dialog with Muslims, you should leave comments like that up even if you despise the original poster. IMHO of course.
Nice talkingto you
The bottom line is this..
My blog, my rules, if you don't like it, you don't have to comment or read it.
The constant negative comments leave nothing to the dialog. He was warned time and time again for well over a month. But he continued spaming my blog. He couldn't even consider that maybe he was wrong. I have more important things to do than deal with him. If you read the blog you would know this.
At this point I don't care if he asked the most relavent question in the world. He is done on my blog. I'm sick of being be-littled, put down and ridiculed because I don't write and think like him. He even has the gall to do it on other blogs. You tell me why I should entertain ANYTHING he has to say????
And the other thing, since he was taken of my other blog, Muslims have come back to it.
My question to you is, why do you ask questions here instead of there?? If you are reading it, it makes no sense for you to answer here, unless you are elric and have been banned from that blog.
Of course its your blog and your rules, I never said otherwise.
Interesting that you said that since he left, the Muslims came back. I guess if there is no one to counter anything they say, they have no fear of being caught if they lie about anything. If they were confident in what they say, it shouldnt matter if he is there or not.
The reason I havent blogged on your other blog is that I am trying to see if its a blog that encourages free discussion or if its to say that Islam is a religion of peace and if you say otherwise, you arent welcome. So far I have seen it to be the later.
The interesting discussion I notice was over the Muslim dentist demanding a non Muslim woman dress like a Muslim in order to recieve service. For someone who calls others bigots I found it profoud that you defended Muslim bigotry. Would you felt the same if a Christian doctor demanded a Muslim wear a cross? I doubt it.
No I am not that Elric66 fellow. What comments I did see I did agree with. If he ranted using hate speech, I didnt see any. But then you deleted alot of his comments so I nor anyone else got to see those.
"I'm sick of being be-littled, put down and ridiculed because I don't write and think like him."
I did see you and others do that to him and others that dont buy into the Islam is peace line. I thought I would throw that out.
But as you said, its your blog and your rules.If you dont want anyone to be critical of Islam, make that known from the get go. It will save yourself a lot of heartache. Of course, you will just be preaching to the choir too.
Enjoy the day Eagle.
Do you have any examples of this hate of this Elric66 that was posted on your blogs? From what I saw of his before you blocked all his comments all I saw was tough questions.Like I said before, I only saw his unblocked comments.
You also pointed out that he is wrong. Did you ever concider perhaps that you are wrong?
I have been studying Islam and Islamic history for years. I too was in the camp that Islam isnt really any different than Christianity. I thought too that Islam was highjacked by a few crazies. The more I learned about Islam, the Qur'an, the hadiths, the sunnas, its history, and current events, the more I learned how wrong I was.
Its really good of you that you want to see the good in everything, I really do. But there are times in history that you just cant do that if you want good to prevail. World War II was such a time and so is today.
I will admit the Hungarian Crusader went overboard with the name calling but the message I do agree with. Would you allowed it on your blog minus the name calling? Myself I dont believe in name calling, it dimishes the message.
I am happy your Muslims came back to your other blog. I bet they are happy too that now they will be unchallenged in anything they say.
One last thing. You defended the Muslim dentist demanding that a woman wear a Muslim headscarf or find service elsewere. Would you be ok if a Christian dentist demanded a Muslim patient wear a cross.
Off to work. Enjoy your day Eagle.
Do I have any examples....
Hmmmm, lets see,
just since 8/31 I have over 632 comments from Elric. Even though he is blocked he keeps it up.
He goes to other bigot blogs and sends them to me too. I'm done with him and them.
Ummmm Eagle. The number of comments isnt an example of his hate.
Richard, why don't you try reading the comments under What is a bigot prt 1. For starters
elric if that is you, not interested in talking to you here either.
Well Eagle, I did and if there was any hateful comments, it was coming from you. If you care to quote some coming from this Elric fellow, feel free.
Good Morning, how are you today?You enjoying the weekend?
I hope you had a great weekend.
Talk to you later.
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