Sunday, December 30, 2007

Friends and Readers

To all my friends and readers,

I know I have been gone for awhile, and I should have taken the time to let everyone know where I was, since the last a lot of you knew I was sick. I am well over that, and have been extremely busy with the Christmas rush of family and friends, shopping and visitors in from out of town. I haven't even checked my mail for a month much less anything else. I had hoped to be able to at least do some stuff before the first of the year, but alas it was not meant to be.

I am looking forward to things calming down in the next month. I am looking forward to some late visitors in the next week or so, and in February I will be gone for a couple of weeks house/dog sitting out of town, but I hope to be able to get on line over there, if not, I will at least let you know and use the time preparing for upcoming blog entries on the subject we have been working on.

Give me a little more time and I will be back to normal in regards to the blog. It takes me a lot of time to put together a blog entry and I couldn't do it when I had company and what not, some of you are much better at putting together your blogs then I am . What can I say, I'm a bit slower. Anyway, I wanted to post this so you would know what is going on, I will get to your mail later. By the way... thanks for your mail.