When trying to understand the Muslim mind, it helps to listen to some of their own words. The following comes from a Jihadist website. It is their idea of freedom, and they feel it should be worldwide.
Freedom is to be able to stand up to the tyrants and tell them, ““Verily, we are free from you and whatever you worship besides Allah.” Free from your wretched laws, methodologies, constitutions and values… free from your repugnant governments, courts, distinguishing characteristics and media…
“We have rejected you, and there has become apparent between us and you, enmity and hatred forever, until you believe in Allah ALONE.” THEREFORE, WE WILL CONTINUE TO SHOW HOSTILITY AND HATRED TOWARDS YOU FOREVER UNTIL YOU BELIEVE IN ALLAH ALONE...and freely".....
Their idea of freedom, is the TALIBAN, pure and simple and they won't rest until they achieve that goal. They make it pretty clear, they also speak in oxymoron's and contradictions and don't even realize it. These are all copy and paste, they are NOT my words, but theirs.
It is important for all of us to pay attention to the signs of the times. Far too often we busy ourselves with the mundane day to day tasks. How many "man on the street" episodes, have you seen, where the person being questioned, has no clue who the people, in the highest level of government are??
If we cannot be bothered to know who is running our country, then how do we expect to win a war of ideology??
Here is another Muslim's opinion on democracy:
All Who Believe in Democracy, The Religion of Godlessness, Are Infidels
by Abu Muhammad Al-Maqdisi, a pseudonym for Asem Al-Burqawi
"[Democracy is] denying Allah the Almighty, associating [other deities] with [Allah,] the Sovereign of heaven and earth, and is contrary to the religion of unity [i.e. Islam] and the religion of the prophets, for many reasons, among them:
"First, [democracy] is legislated by the masses or the regime of tyrants, and it is not the rule of Allah the Exalted. Allah commanded his Prophet to act according to the law that Allah sent down to him, and forbade him from following the desires of the nation or the masses and warned him that they would divert him from part of the [precepts] sent down by Allah: 'Judge between them by that which Allah has sent down, and do not follow their wishes to deviate from it' [Qur'an 5:49]. This [appears] in the religion of unity and of Islam.
"With regard to the religion of democracy and association [of other deities with Allah, i.e. polytheism], those who worship it say 'Judge between them by that which the people wish; be wary of deviating from what they want, desire, and legislate'… This is what they say, and thus it is determined that democracy is unbelief and association [of other deities with Allah] if it is implemented…
"Second, the rule of the masses or the tyrants is in accordance with the constitution, and not in accordance with the law of Allah, and thus say their constitutions and their books, which they sanctify over the Qur'an. Evidence of this is that the law [of the constitutions and books] is preferred to the law [of the Qur'an], and the law [of the constitutions and books] is higher [to them] than [the Qur'an's] laws… According to the religion of democracy, the masses do not accept the judgments and laws … unless they are based on the precepts and articles of the constitution, because they see it as the father of the laws and the holy book. In the religion of democracy, there is no consideration of the Qur'an verses or the Hadiths [prophetic tradition] of the Prophet, and laws cannot be legislated in accordance with them unless they are compatible with the precepts of their holy book, the constitution…
"Third, democracy is the vile fruit and illegitimate daughter of secularism, because secularism is a heretical school of thought that aspires to isolate religion from life or separate religion from state … and democracy is the rule of the people or the rule of the tyrants. But in any event, it is not the rule of Allah the Exalted, and it does not take the unswerving legislation of Allah into account at all unless it is first compatible with all the articles of the constitution, and then with the desires of the people, and even before that with the desires of the tyrants or the masses…
So, the people that we are fighting, desire to do away with the rule of law. They feel that giving people the right to vote and choose their leaders, who make laws to protect and benefit their constituents, is wrong. Unless it is all done, in Allah's name and in accordance to the Quran. This is why they have no problem with beheading people, or stoning them, or cutting off hands and feet.
There is no consideration for current times and beliefs. There is no consideration for what the people think. This is NOT, a isolated way of thinking. Muslims have no loyalty to the country in which they live. There are films of Muslims in downtown New York city, standing on the American flag. Yelling that they want the world to know that their only allegiance, is to Allah.
As a Christian, I try to follow Gods words, and if I HAD to choose between, that and anything else, my loyalty would be to God. But make no mistake, it is not the same way of thinking in Islam. The threat is not only to our country, the threat is towards ALL countries. Including Muslim nations that don't rule under strict sharia law. I would ask the "moderate" Muslim, if this is acceptable to them.